You don't need a guru, app, or course to tell you what your gut already knows.

Stuff you actually want to read about from Pam Moore

Hi , 

Fun fact about me: Before I discovered intuitive eating, I had a long list of "scary foods." (Grilled cheese with lots of butter and full-fat muenster, almond croissants, ice cream, bagels, toast, pasta, and cookies to name a few.) If I ate them it was only under certain conditions; I was pregnant, I'd done a big workout or was planning to do one soon, I'd been "good" all day, or I'd be "good" tomorrow. I had a lot of food rules. They were very specific, ever-changing, and I often broke them, which made me feel out of control and weak.My food fears didn't really have anything to do with the food or even my body. I was afraid that if my body wasn't small enough, then I wasn't good enough. I didn't realize that I was already enough.I also didn't realize that the reason I felt out of control around food was that restricting (whether you're actually limiting your intake or creating a bunch of food rules that you end up breaking) naturally leads to bingeing. My obsession with trying to maintain control was, in fact, the reason I felt so out of control.Giving myself full permission to eat anything I want allows me to deeply tune into my true desires without having to cut through the noise ("But you've already had bread today." "That's too starchy." "That's too buttery." "That's only for special occasions.")Renegotiating my relationship with food was just the beginning. Since I got into the practice of intuitive eating, it's been a whole lot easier to tune into my intuition, period.I'm so much better equipped to make decisions in every other area of my life now that I know that I already have the answers I'm searching for.There is no app, diet (or lifestyle), course, coach, or guru who knows more about you than you do right in this moment. You're already an expert on what you need.💗 Trust yourself.xo, 

4 Things Worth Checking Out 

  • If you have three minutes: This great article by Kylee Van Horn and Zoë Romm for Trail Runner on taking guilt out of the sports nutrition equation.

  • If you have 20 minutes: My podcast on the power of acting from love instead of fear. 

  • If you have an hour: This fabulous interview between two brilliant women, Alison Rothman and Deb Rubin, answers all the questions you didn't even know you had about sex and female pleasure.

  • ICYMI: My latest article for The Washington Post on how to determine whether your gym is actually green. 

The Real Fit podcast features real conversations with women athletes on topics like body image and confidence, my goal is to share stories that will let you know you're not alone and that you're already enough. Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and anywhere you listen to juicy podcasts. New episodes every Tuesday.  

Are you ready to renegotiate your relationshipwith movement, food, and your body? 

I’m on a mission to help badass women like you stop wasting your precious energy on the quest to shrink your body. You were made to do amazing things and your obsession with food, exercise, and body image is a huge distraction.Together we can clear that mental clutter and turbocharge your path to being your best self.I'm a weight-neutral health coach, occupational therapist, and certified personal trainer and I offer 1:1 health coaching services

My 34-page e-book, 7 Pitches that Sold is everything I wish I’d known when I started as a freelance writer, including pitches that turned into stories in The Washington Post, Runner's World, and Outside. **Use the code realfit50 to get half off*

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