The only detox program that lets you eat all the sugar, dairy, and gluten

I have something cooking for my local peeps!

For a story I wrote for Runner’s World recently, I spoke to a therapist who told me this: When you think of running as a way to burn off the food you ate, you’re essentially taking the joy out of both running AND eating at once.

Yuck, right?

But to be honest, I used to think this way. I was constantly measuring how much I ate against how much I’d worked out or was planning to work out. I was constantly judging, trying to make sure the scales were balanced. And it was exhausting.

Judge Judy GIF by Lifetime Telly

Gif by lifetimetelly on Giphy

Unlike my friend Judge Judy, I was judging myself, not an actual defendant, and I didn’t get to be on tv while doing it, so it was a very bad deal for me.

Why was I doing this to myself???

Two words: Diet culture.

Diet culture is everywhere. It’s in the “guilt-free” labels on your packaged food, the menu listing “sinful” chocolate on the dessert selections, and the movies that cast a fat person as the token loser.

And its subtle (and not so subtle), constant messages might be impacting you more than you think.

If you’re curious to learn more about what diet culture is, how it affects you, and how to flip the script on the way you think about weight and food, I hope you’ll join me for a three-part workshop I’m giving through the Louisville Recreation Center.

The Diet Culture Detox takes place on three Tuesday nights, starting February 6th, and it’s super affordable. Click below for details and to reserve your spot or reply to this email with any questions.

Thinking about giving yourself the gift of food freedom in the new year?

Here’s what one of my clients said about working with me:

Pam is an amazing listener, creative and thoughtful in her approach, and patient enough to accept that the path to a healthier relationship to food is not a straight-line, hurry-up endeavor. Pam is not at all wed to one way to work – including the fact that she was willing to let me bring my husband into our conversations where need be. She has been there herself without burdening you with that fact. It’s like having an experienced mentor who wants you to succeed, on your own terms and in your own way. Without hesitation. If there was a rating system for coaches, therapists, etc. Pam would be off the charts. 

Susanne B.

Did you know I offer a free 30-minute call over Zoom or the phone? It’s a no-pressure chance to get to know each other and see if we’d be a fit.

👂 Give your ears a treat

Need a good listen as you’re going over the river and through the woods to grandmother’s house? (Or while you’re jammed up in holiday traffic to see your in-laws??)