Don’t believe the hype. You’re already fabulous.

Stuff you actually want to read about from Pam Moore

Hi ,Happy new year! What if I told you that January could just be… January? That it can be cold, dark and a little miserable — and you don’t have to make it more miserable by categorizing all your perceived failings and embarking on a plan to “fix” yourself? What if I told you all the “new year new you” messaging that’s coming at us from every angle isn’t the universe’s way of helping you become the person you were meant to be, but the 72.6 billion dollar-a-year diet industry preying on your insecurities in a play to take your money? What if January were a time to sit down with a pen, and a notebook, and reflect on the year behind and imagine the possibilities for the year ahead? What if you could do that without any of it meaning anything about your worth? I’m not saying we shouldn’t have goals and plans. For me, working toward a finish line (whether it’s in an actual race or a metaphorical personal or professional finish line) is motivating and energizing. At the same time, I sometimes have to remind myself that my self-worth cannot and should not hang on my accomplishments. Setting a new PR in the weight room doesn’t make me a better person (although it does feel really freaking good). And falling short of my goal finish time in an endurance event doesn’t take away from my worth. For the past few years, I’ve made a practice of setting aside some time in December and January to reflect on the year behind and the year ahead. Sometimes I do it all at once. Other times, like this year, I dive in for 30 to 60 minutes whenever I can carve out the time. (I’m also attending this short virtual retreat with my friend Rabbi Jessica Kessler Marshall this weekend. She came on the Real Fit podcast this year. I highly recommend listening to our interview if you haven’t yet, regardless of your religious leanings.) Some of the questions I reflect on include: 

  • What were the highlights of last year? 

  • What systems or processes worked for me? 

  • What was challenging? 

  • What did I learn? 

  • What do I want more of in the new year? 

  • What do I want to let go of?

You’re welcome to borrow these if you like. In fact, I hope you do. And if you’re inclined to reply to this email with an answer to any of the above questions, I'd love to hear from you! Seriously, just hit reply. It will make my day. 

xo,P.S. If you’d like to let go of restrictive eating habits and food-related guilt in the new year, let’s talk. I offer 1:1 intuitive eating coaching, and it would be an honor to support you in your journey. Click here for details. 

7 Things Worth Checking Out

The Real Fit podcast features real conversations with women athletes on topics like body image and confidence, my goal is to share stories that will let you know you're not alone and that you're already enough. Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and anywhere you listen to juicy podcasts. New episodes every other Tuesday.  

Are you ready to heal your relationship with food and exercise? 

I’m on a mission to help smart women like you stop wasting your precious energy on the quest to shrink your body. You were made to do amazing things and your obsession with food, exercise, and body image is a huge distraction.Together we can clear that mental clutter and turbocharge your path to being your best self.I'm a certified intuitive eating counselor, occupational therapist, and certified personal trainer and I offer 1:1 intuitive eating coaching services

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