Forget the rules (even the one about moderation)

Forget the rules (even the one about moderation)

Have you ever thought intuitive eating sounded nice but it would never work because your intuition would tell you to eat ALL the cake, cookies, or pizza? I get it. I thought that, too. 

The nutty (and counterintuitive) thing is, by giving yourself full permission to eat whatever you want, whenever you want, (and not just “in moderation”) you can end the madness. 

That’s exactly what happened for one of my clients recently.

Want to know exactly how she did it? I share all the details in my latest blog post.

If you want one on one support so you can stop being obsessed with the snacks you feel addicted to, I can help. Click here to learn more.


3 Things worth checking out

  • If you’re a woman ages 40-55 looking for support, connection, and healing,    you need to know about Awakening in Midlife. It’s a a small group coaching program hosted by my friend, colleague and podcast guest Alison Rothman, a Body-Centered Holistic Empowerment Coach. Don’t snooze on this, I have a feeling it will fill up. (Virtual and in-person Boulder, CO options)

  • If you have six minutes: Jillian Weinberger’s thoughtful New York Times essay, The Fear I Felt When I Was Told My Daughter Looked Perfect

  • If you have one minute: Every once in a while you get to experience a perfect race. This was one of mine.

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