I heart carbs

I ♥️ Carbs

Hi ,

Did you know everything is better with carbs? Well, maybe not everything but riding a bike for hours over challenging terrain definitely is. Our bodies love protein and fat too, but when your heart rate is elevated for long stretches, you need the kind of calories your body can access quickly, and that means — you guessed it — carbs.

It took me a while (like years and years) to get that. I thought the best thing I could do for myself was lose weight so I wouldn’t have to pedal so much mass around, and that the best way to do that was to ride as far as I could with as little food as possible. But that only made me tired and frustrated.

Everything changed when I embraced intuitive eating.

If you’ve ever thought, “Intuitive eating isn’t for athletes.” I want you to know something: It absolutely is.

In my latest blog post, I explain WHY (plus I share a few ridiculously simple steps to help you get started).

Whether you consider yourself an athlete or not, you deserve to have the energy you need to fuel the activities that bring you joy — regardless of the shape and size of your body.


P.S. A bunch of you responded to the Anti-Diet Virtual Book Club survey I shared in last week’s newsletter. Thank you!! And if you haven’t responded yet but kept meaning to, don’t worry — you can still do it right here.

5 Things worth checking out

Cover of book: Up to Speed: The Groundbreaking Science of Women Athletes by Christine Yu

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