hitting the milestones you can't measure

Every summer since I can remember, on Labor Day weekend, my parents measured my siblings’ and my heights on the wall. The ritual was always the same: my mom collected a ruler and a pencil and my dad directed us, one at a time, to stand against the wall so he could measure us. I can still feel the pressure of the plastic ruler on the crown of my head as my dad etched a perfectly straight line into the knotty pine wall. 

There was no thrill like turning around and seeing how much each of us had grown. Now I watch my kids’ delight when they partake in this (sort of) sacred family ritual during our annual summer visit to Rhode Island. “Mom, look how much I grew!” they shout. 

No one has marked my height since 1996—at that point, I’d reached my full height of five foot nothing—but I had my own little “Damn, I’ve grown!” moment recently. 

I’d set out on my bike with a specific hilly route in mind. But when I approached the first incline, my legs clearly had a different idea. They were sluggish, so instead of pushing through the fatigue, I switched gears (sorry could not resist the pun), found a flatter route and went at a mellow, "kicking around" pace.

During the ride, I stopped to admire the new North Boulder public library, I paused to take a photo, and I came home feeling invigorated rather than exhausted.

Wonderland Lake, Boulder

I used to try to muscle my way through discomfort. And while there is a time and a place to embrace discomfort—that's what sport teaches us to do, after all—it's not for every session.

Sure, PR’s are nice. But developing the confidence and self-awareness to trust my body's signals? That’s some serious growth. I might not be able to mark it on a wall or show my mom, but that shit feels amazing. 

Questions? Just want to say hey? Hit reply. I’d love to hear from you!


Speaking of Growth…

Are you sick of obsessing about food and exercise?

Do you love the idea of creating a new, healthy relationship with your body in community with other active women?

Would you love to work out without worrying about your performance or how many calories you calories burned?

Are you tired of letting a number on the scale determine what kind of day you’re going to have?

Had you finally reached a truce with your body… until perimenopause hit?

If any of that resonates, my brand-new group coaching program, SAVOR, is for YOU.

As a member of SAVOR, you will…

  • Master the principles of Intuitive Eating so you can get back in touch with your body’s wisdom—and live a life free from rules and restriction.

  • Join a group of like-minded women who are navigating the same challenges and take comfort in knowing you’re not in this alone.

  • Have access to live coaching and mindset strategies to unlock the food freedom and self-trust you’ve always wanted.

How it works

  • We’ll meet twice a month from 10-11 AM MT/ 12-1 ET over Zoom for live teaching and coaching, generally on the second and fourth Thursday of the month.

  • You’ll have access to the private SAVOR online community.

  • You'‘ll get discounted 1:1 coaching and access to exclusive offers for SAVOR members only.

PS Special pricing is available through September 15th

👂 Give your ears a treat

Need a good listen during your commute, chores, or workout?

Not sure which episode to start with? Reply to this email, tell me what challenges are coming up for you, and I’ll suggest one!

Wondering who I am?

I’m a certified intuitive eating counselor, occupational therapist, and health and fitness journalist with bylines in outlets like The Washington Post, Time, Runner’s World, SELF, and many others.

Also a 6x marathoner, 2x Ironman finisher, and certified personal trainer with a 20+ year history of teaching indoor cycling, I love riding bikes (gravel and road) and weightlifting. My superpower is my ability to connect with people.

Check out my coaching offerings here and follow me on LinkedIn and Instagram.

image credit: Briana Noonan