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Could one sticky note change your life?
Stuff you actually want to read about from Pam Moore
When I heard about intuitive eating, I initially thought, “That’s a really nice idea… for other people.”
I just couldn’t get on board with eating whatever I wanted, regardless of how that might impact the shape and size of my body.
Because I had so much regard for the shape and size of my body. I’m talking INSANE amounts of regard. (And I forgive myself for it because diet culture is everywhere.)
There was a little voice in the back (and often the front, the left, and the right) of my head talking to me all day long, saying fun things like…Why can’t you just be more disciplined? You can’t eat pizza later if you have a sandwich now, too many carbs. Oh my god I look pregnant. What if I stand like this? Or like this? My body looks gross! Everything will be fine when I lose weight. I’ll get back on track starting tomorrow.
Thinking those thoughts all day long was exhausting. (It was tiring just to type them.) I’d be lying if I told you that as an intuitive eater, I never ever second-guess my food choices and that I no longer judge my body’s appearance.
But those thoughts are waaaay less frequent and they’re much quieter since I adopted intuitive eating. I understand that these thoughts were driven by a singular belief: That my body was a proxy for my worth.
And I don’t believe that anymore.
Intuitive eating isn’t just about the way you eat. It’s also about how you think — which is why I always work with my coaching clients on mindset.
If you’re tired of being preoccupied with thoughts about your body, food, and exercise, here’s a tool you can try right now. You need 10-15 minutes, a journal, and a pen.
1| Set a timer for five minutes. Make a list of everything your inner critic says to you regarding your body, food, and exercise.
2| Identify the two or three statements that feel most charged. 3| For each one, answer the following questions:
Is it true?
Is it serving me?
How can I reframe it?
When you think about a reframe, find something that’s still true but makes you feel better than the original thought.
“I hate my thighs” won’t become “I feel like a supermodel,” but it might become “I’m grateful that my thighs let me walk and dance.”
Other examples…
“I’ll be happy once I lose weight” —-------> “I deserve to be happy in the body I have now.”
“Gaining weight is proof that I have no discipline” —-----> “Gaining weight is something normal, healthy bodies do at different points in time.”
“I can’t stand the way I look in a swimsuit.” —-----------> “I don’t love the way my body looks in a swimsuit but my figure isn’t the most important thing about me.”
4| Write the reframes on a sticky note and post it somewhere where you’ll see it every day and/or set alarms to go off on your phone. Change the name of the alarm from “alarm” to one of the reframes.
5| Throughout the day, when the original thought pops into your head, practice subbing it out for the reframe. (It will probably feel awkward for a while. That doesn't mean it's useless or you're doing it wrong!)
If you try this, I'd love to hear from you. Hit reply and let me know how it went. (Also, you're always welcome to reply just to say hi or to ask a question!)
And if you need one one-on-one support on your intuitive journey click here to schedule a free, zero-pressure discovery call.
P.S. If you'd like to experience food freedom and begin your intuitive eating journey among a small community of supportive women, check out my one-day retreat.
If you're ready to…
Let go of food rules and embrace food freedom
Stop letting a number on the scale determine your mood or self-worth
Be more present with your friends and family over meals
... You won't want to miss this.
Click here for details
4 Things Worth Checking Out
If you have five minutes: This shouldn't be news but apparently, it is. (And If you've ever been fat shamed by a doctor, you won't be surprised that fatphobia is rampant in healthcare.)
If you need a good book: I'm LOVING Aubrey Gordon's new book, You Just Need to Lose Weight" and 19 Other Myths About Fat People.
If you have three minutes: I got to share my insights in fellow freelance writer Meg St. Esprit's article for Yahoo Life, Do Children's Books Have a Fatphobia Problem? (Spoiler alert: They do.)
If you have a minute: Can you be an intuitive eater AND have weight loss goals? Here's my take.
The Real Fit podcast features real conversations with women athletes on topics like body image and confidence, my goal is to share stories that will let you know you're not alone and that you're already enough. Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and anywhere you listen to juicy podcasts. New episodes every other Tuesday.
Are you ready to heal your relationship with food and exercise?
I’m on a mission to help smart women like you stop wasting your precious energy on the quest to shrink your body. You were made to do amazing things and your obsession with food, exercise, and body image is a huge distraction.Together we can clear that mental clutter and turbocharge your path to being your best self.I'm a certified intuitive eating counselor, occupational therapist, and certified personal trainer and I offer 1:1 intuitive eating coaching services.
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