You probably know more than you think you do.

October 5 2021

Stuff you actually want to read about from Pam Moore

Hi , 

My kids are pissed that I don’t do Halloween decorations. I don’t do scarecrows, spooky ghosts, or cute ghosts. I don’t do wreaths. I don’t do twinkle lights. I don’t do headstones with morbid puns (although I do find my neighbors’ entertaining). 

It’s not that I hate Halloween. I actually love it. And it’s not that I am trying to make my kids’ lives miserable (although I’m sure they’d say this is debatable). It’s that the very idea of everything that’s involved with decorations — buying them, setting them up, packing them up, putting them away, and then finding them again next fall when it’s time to do it all again — exhausts me. 

I used to tell myself I was lazy but that was actually a lie. The truth: I choose not to give my energy to something that sparks zero joy for me. Sometimes knowing exactly what I want is easy. Take Halloween decorations, for example. I’ve never waffled on whether to do them. 

Other decisions are more fraught. I’ve agonized about boyfriends, jobs, moves, and, well, you name it, I’ve probably found a way to lose sleep over it. But it was never a spreadsheet, a pros and cons list, or even a long talk with a friend that told me which way to go. 

My body always knew the answer. That’s not to say I always listened. I’m still learning to listen to myself. But as I close in on 43 years on this planet, I know what to listen for: when I land on the right decision it feels like a settling in my heart and a stillness in my mind. What does the right answer feel like to you? 

5 Things Worth Checking Out 

  • I had so much fun talking to Nicole DeBoom, former pro triathlete and founder of Skirt Sports on the Real Fit podcast about how her body points her in the right direction when it's time to make a decision (and so much more, including healing her relationship with food, exercise, and her body, starting a business with ZERO experience in the apparel industry, and the only finish line that really matters). Listen here (or wherever you listen to podcasts).

  • If the idea of not wasting time on things you don’t care about (even if Instagram, your kids, and neighbors do), resonates with you, you’ll love this book. It’s definitely one of the best I’ve read this year.

  • My interview with fitness industry disruptor Christine DeFilippis on the Breaking Body Biases podcast. We got into my journey to intuitive eating and joyful movement, the words I never say to my classes a group fitness instructor, and tons more. Listen here (or wherever you listen to podcasts.)

  • This woman went on antidepressants and gained 50 pounds. What happened next might surprise you.

  • Good news for swimmers: You could get COVID-19 from your lanemates but not from the water itself. (TBH,  I’m still on the fence about whether to keep going to Masters now that the indoor pool is closing for the season.)

The Real Fit podcast features real conversations with women athletes on topics like body image and confidence, my goal is to share stories that will let you know you're not alone and that you're already enough. Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and anywhere you listen to juicy podcasts. New episodes every Tuesday.  

My 34-page e-book, 7 Pitches that Sold is everything I wish I’d known when I started as a freelance writer, including pitches that turned into stories in The Washington Post, Runner's World, and Outside. **Use the code realfit50 to get half off*

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